Jen Hatmaker, New York Times Best-Selling Author, On Dreaming Big Dreams


Jen Hatmaker is the author of 12 books, including the New York Times bestselling “Of Mess and Moxie: Wrangling Delight Out of This Wild and Glorious Life,” “For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards,” and “7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.” Jen is also the creator and happy host of the award-winning For the Love! Podcast with Jen Hatmaker, delighted curator of the Jen Hatmaker Book Club and sought-after speaker who tours the country every year speaking to women. She and her husband, Brandon, founded the Legacy Collective and also starred in the popular series “My Big Family Renovation” and “Your Big Family Renovation” on HGTV. Jen is a mom to five and a zealous resident of Austin, Texas, where she and her family are helping keep Austin weird.

Hustle Hack: If you are a writer or any kind of creator, I’m gonna take a wild guess and bet that Jen’s advice to just keep going on your creative journey lit a fire in you, like it did me. I think it’s so easy to just look at the next big thing on our plate and pin all of our hopes and dreams on it but remember, you may not be at the part of your story where the protagonist really begins to fly. Keep putting your time in. Keep focused on what you know is your calling. Keep writing. Keep creating. Keep learning and sharpening your saw. 

Moment of Grace: Jen pointed out that you can’t produce creative work if you’re not giving yourself space to do it. You simply have to say “no” to things to build the margin you need to think, write, and let creativity happen. If you pack your schedule wall to wall you make no room for happy accidents, spontaneity, or the creative connections you make when you allow yourself space to breathe.

Connect with Hilary and the Hustle & Grace community on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Monica Kang, Startup Founder & Author On Rethinking Creativity


Monica Kang is a passionate educator, speaker, community builder, and an author of Rethink Creativity. Driven by her own all too common experiences of feeling stuck and uncreative at work, she’s determined to change the status quo of the modern workforce. When she’s not speaking at events or delivering programs, you can find Monica teaching her students entrepreneurship at BAU International University, growing the creative ecosystem in DC through local events, or enjoying a chocolate croissant.

In this episode Hilary unpacks Einstein's approach to creativity and interviews creativity expert Monica Kang. 

Episode Highlights

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." -Jim Rohn

"Creativity is contagious." -Albert Einstein

"What inspires you? What discourages you? When you know what discourages you, you can protect yourself." -Monica Kang

"The more time I spend with people who believe in me, of course it’s easier to believe in myself." -Monica Kang

Connect with Monica Kang:


Connect with Hilary on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook

This episode is sponsored by Get Your Dream Off the Ground.